Unit 4 - March to the Civil War
Study Guide - March to the Civil War ('16) Visuals day 1 - Sectionalism to Activism (2017) day 2 - Cult to Culture (2017) day 3 - Manifest Destiny to 49ers (2017) day 4 - 1850 to CSA day 5 - Strengths: North v. South & Why War? quiz 4 Study Help day 6 - Battles day 7 - Politics of War AHI (semester 1 study guide) American History I (APUSH) - Spanish Version (Notes 13-14) Activities
Quarter 1 US History Lesson Plans Assignments Classwork #6 - Unit 4 Fill-in Blanks Makeup Work - Quarter #1 Study email completed interactives to [email protected] for extra credit Cause of Civil War - Interactive (sign up for free) Build up to Civil War: Civil War Review #1 (quiz 4) Civil War Review #2 (quiz 4) Civil War Review #3 (quiz 4) Civil War: Civil War Review #4 (quiz 5) Teacher Resources |
Unit 4 - March to the Civil War Lessons
Big Idea Questions:
Small Idea Questions:
NC Final Exam Games
High Level Games
Low Level Games
Practice Tests |
Civil War Day 1 Review Game
NC Final Exam Games
Civil War
Guided Reading by Mr. D
American Civil War (part 1) - America The Story of Us series
American Civil War (part 2) - America The Story of Us series